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Daily Readings

You can read the Bible or daily devotionals at home. These are some of our favourite resources:

Forward Day by Day

Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings. You can order a copy mailed to your house (call 1-800-543-1813), have a copy emailed to you every day, or read them online.


The Society of Saint John the Evangelist is a monastic society of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.

Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr offers daily meditations to awaken us to God's loving presence in all things. Drawing from the Christian scriptures and traditions, as well as non-dual teachers from other religions, Fr. Richard reframes neglected or misunderstood teachings to reveal our True Self in God. You can sign up to receive Richard Rohr's daily meditation, or read it on his website.

Daily Lectionary Readings

You can read along with daily lectionary readings, both the Book of Alternative Services and Book of Common Prayer, on The Community Website, a service of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Click HERE to read more.

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